Monday, September 15, 2008


I promised myself i would add more insightful post to my collectors and fans in blog land. I have some sketches I'm working on for various clients.

Its probably a good idea in the long run and it also helps me keep track of the paintngs I'm on and the timeline i need to complete.

This on is interesting. This is the first time i've worked with drawing instruments with a fashion empasis. I really want to make the Guittar fit in with the style of her clothes and flow with her hair. I'm not sure what colors i'm going to use, but i want a bright blue for her jeans, and something heavy for the color of the flower. I should be able to compose a hit from this sketch but there are a few things i might work on before I go from pencil to paint.
If you have any comments or suggestions let me know.
I may put the reprints up for sale on ebay, and the original on


or red bubble

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